Argument validation =================== CorePost integrates the popular 'formencode' package to implement form and query argument validation. Validators can be specified using a *formencode* Schema object, or via custom field-specific validators. Example:: from corepost.web import validate, route from corepost.enums import Http from formencode import Schema, validators class TestSchema(Schema): allow_extra_fields = True childId = validators.Regex(regex="^value1|value2$") class MyApp(): @route("/validate//schema",Http.POST) @validate(schema=TestSchema()) def postValidateSchema(self,request,rootId,childId,**kwargs): '''Validate using a common schema''' return "%s - %s - %s" % (rootId,childId,kwargs) @route("/validate//custom",Http.POST) @validate(childId=validators.Regex(regex="^value1|value2$")) def postValidateCustom(self,request,rootId,childId,**kwargs): '''Validate using argument-specific validators''' return "%s - %s - %s" % (rootId,childId,kwargs) Please see the *FormEncode* documentation: for list of available validators: * Common : * National :