Content types

CorePost integrates support for JSON, YAML and XML (partially) based on request content types.

Parsing of incoming content

Based on the incoming content type in POST/PUT requests, the body will be automatically parsed to JSON, YAML and XML (ElementTree)

  • request.json
  • request.yaml
  • request.xml

and attached to the request:

def test_json(self,request,**kwargs):
    return "%s" % json.dumps(request.json)

def test_xml(self,request,**kwargs):
    return "%s" % ElementTree.tostring(request.xml)

def test_yaml(self,request,**kwargs):
    return "%s" % yaml.dump(request.yaml)

Converting Python objects to expected content type

Instead of returning string responses, the code can just return Python objects. Depending whether the caller can accept JSON (default) or YAML, the Python objects will be automatically converted:

def test_return_content_by_accepts(self,request,**kwargs):
    val = [{"test1":"Test1"},{"test2":"Test2"}]
    return val

Calling this URL with “Accept: application/json” will return:

[{"test1": "Test1"}, {"test2": "Test2"}]

Calling it with “Accept: text/yaml” will return:

- {test1: Test1}
- {test2: Test2}

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