Modular REST applicationsΒΆ

A typical case in REST is where you have parent/child resources (business entities), e.g.


        Customer Address

        Customer Phone

        Customer Order

                Customer Invoice

                        Customer Invoice Payment


This can create a URL structure like:











CorePost allows you to write small, modular classes that implement a REST service for just a single entity, driven by URL paths with dynamic elements in them (e.g. the customerId, invoiceId, paymentId path parameters in the sample above). You do not have to mesh all these different entities in a single class.

At the end, you wrap all of the different REST services in a single RESTResource object (which extends the regular Twisted Web Resource object) and it takes care of routing the request to the appropriate class.

Here is a full-blown example of two REST services for Customer and Customer Address:

from corepost import Response, NotFoundException, AlreadyExistsException
from corepost.web import RESTResource, route, Http

class CustomerRESTService():
    path = "/customer"

    def getAll(self,request):
        return DB.getAllCustomers()

    def get(self,request,customerId):
        return DB.getCustomer(customerId)

    def post(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
        customer = Customer(customerId, firstName, lastName)
        return Response(201)

    def put(self,request,customerId,firstName,lastName):
        c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
        (c.firstName,c.lastName) = (firstName,lastName)
        return Response(200)

    def delete(self,request,customerId):
        return Response(200)

    def deleteAll(self,request):
        return Response(200)

class CustomerAddressRESTService():
    path = "/customer/<customerId>/address"

    def getAll(self,request,customerId):
        return DB.getCustomer(customerId).addresses

    def get(self,request,customerId,addressId):
        return DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)

    def post(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
        c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
        address = CustomerAddress(streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
        c.addresses[addressId] = address
        return Response(201)

    def put(self,request,customerId,addressId,streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode):
        address = DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId)
        (address.streetNumber,address.streetName,address.stateCode,address.countryCode) = (streetNumber,streetName,stateCode,countryCode)
        return Response(200)

    def delete(self,request,customerId,addressId):
        DB.getCustomerAddress(customerId, addressId) #validate address exists
        return Response(200)

    def deleteAll(self,request,customerId):
        c = DB.getCustomer(customerId)
        c.addresses = {}
        return Response(200)

def run_rest_app():
    app = RESTResource((CustomerRESTService(),CustomerAddressRESTService()))

if __name__ == "__main__":

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